October 2022 Streetcap

The month of October came and went in the blink of an eye.

This past month, I’ve continued to ramp up my street shooting - getting out as much as I can. In this blog post I’ll break down some trends from my month of shooting and share my best photos.


I mentioned in last month’s Streetcap that I’ve been struggling to capture faces since taking an extended break earlier this summer, I think I just lost my confidence. While I notice I still have more backs-of-heads than I would like, I am making an active effort to get in front of my subjects.

Some examples where I struggled to put myself in front of my subjects

My attempts at getting head-on with people, you can tell I am doing it in a rushed manner, still avoiding allowing myself to get caught. I’m working on it…


I’ve always been torn between candid, fast-paced street snaps and more carefully-crafted, abstract frames. I’ve found store windows/reflections to be my method of achieving balance, and I’m quite happy with this month’s results.

A New Camera

Actually, I shot with 3 new cameras this month, one I didn’t keep (the Nikon Z30), one has the exact same sensor and film simulations as my X-Pro2 (Fuji X-H1), but one camera was completely new to me, and was given to me by my good friend Eric, and has been an absolute JOY to test out so far - the Ricoh GR Digital III. This point and shoot has been keeping me occupied for sure, it has been great for both an EDC camera as well as a snapshot street cam. I’ve especially enjoyed using the flash, as it is too dim to be noticeable yet creates a very unique 3D effect. Here are some of my favorites:


I mentioned this last month, but described it as ‘gestures’, but this month I’ve been trying to get more action into my photos, beyond just a hand gesture. Something with a little more story or oddness to it.

Black & White

I can’t say why exactly, but I’ve been finding myself shooting more and more black and white recently. I think because I’ve been really focused on improving my compositions and shooting black & white makes it easier, or maybe just to get a more homogenous look across four camera bodies, but I found I barely shot any color this month.

Joe Jasper2 Comments